Make an
impact today

Support our mission by contributing a donation.

Donate via PayPal below. All contributions are tax deductible.

Our account is held at the Southeastern California Conference account

Why give?

  • We want to make a substantive and immediate impact on the way our churches do ministry. Ministry requires assistant, whether it is financial, time, or prayers.

  • We believe that having an investment in a ministry helps in all facets of said ministry. Whether you are invested through financial giving or prayer, we want you to be an active participant in the Kainos Project

  • Often times our tithe and offering goes to help our local church and our local context. The Kingdom of God, though built and operated through the local church, exists beyond our local context. By donating to Kainos, you can help a small or struggling ministry get the resources they need to help build the Kingdom of God in their local context


  • All funds and monies donated to Kainos Project is held at the Southeastern California Conference of SDA under the 'Korean American Ministries' Department.

    Because it exists under the SECC, it is subject to audit and review by the Pacific Union and North American Division.

  • Your money goes directly to one of the ministries that we are currently working on. If you would like to contribute to a specific ministry or cause, please contact us.

  • Anyone who signs up for our newsletter will get periodic financial updates on how much we have raised and where the monies are going. If you have not done so, please sign up for our newsletter

  • At this moment, the only way to give is through PayPal. This PayPal account is directly connected to the Southeastern California Conference's treasury department.

    As our ministry grows, we will offer alternative methods of giving